之前学姐分享过雅思口语的备考干货,今天来具体分享一下雅思口语的题型,以及各题型该注意的问题和范文。 先给出答案,雅思口语一共有8个题型。 Part1:一般提问3-5个问题,涉及话题广泛,例如工作、学习、生活、爱好等等,问题比较简单,认真准备一下就能回答。
Part2:个人描述(40s)+回答相关问题(60s),需要提前打草稿背好。 问题举例:
1.Do you think it is more important to be successful in life or to be happy? Why ?
2.Some people believe we should live to work, while others say we shou ld spend time enjoying life first and then work. What is your view on this issue?
3.Is happiness the main goal in life? 4.What kind of job will make you happiest 一、Part1问题汇总