

在剑桥学习工程,意味着你要学习如何批判性地评估不同观点,并运用这些知识来探索新的解决方案。 剑桥大学的工程师们拥有广泛的知识基础——他们中许多人拥有数学和科学背景,而所有的人都在本学科领域内外有着出色的成绩。 作为工程师,你需要掌握工程方面的核心知识和工具,如数学、物理学和计算机科学。你也需要了解工程领域的最新发展以及应用这些技术的新兴行业。 你还需要掌握一门以上的现代外语,因为许多研究都需要查阅文献,而文献大多以英文写成。你有可能需要在国外完成一些课程或项目。 最后,但你并非不重要的,是学会如何有效地进行沟通,让每个人都能理解你的愿景。

A: Engineering is about using science and technology to solve problems. You may want to use engineering to improve the quality of life in developing countries by creating access to clean water or electricity, for example – this would be a socially beneficial and innovative solution to a problem. But there are also ways that engineers can cause harm, for instance releasing pollutants into the environment through poor waste management or by designing weapons of war. So engineering is not just ‘good’, it‘s 'bad' too! As with all subjects,there are plenty of different pathways you can take as an engineer, but they will usually involve some combination of the following core subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry, computing, biology (for Biomedical Engineering) and design.

At Cambridge we think very much in terms of the interdisciplinary nature of the subject. We have over 65 departments covering every scientific field and our graduates are highly sought after by corporate employers around the world because they are prepared to look at problems from multiple angles and find novel solutions. In addition, many of our courses give students the opportunity to specialize in areas such as nanotechnology, energy generation, biotechnology, robotics, information security, and more。

Q: 如何判断自己是不是喜欢工程专业?

A: 我认为不喜欢工程的人很少。 大多数人在学习一门学科的时候都没有100%的热情或者兴趣,但大多数人都会对某些学科更感兴趣而不是其他学科。所以一般来说,如果一个人在工程学上投入大量的时间和精力,并且取得不错的成绩,那么就可以证明这个学生是适合工程专业学习的。

我认识许多没有选择工程作为专业的学生,他们其中有些人可能更喜欢理工科,有些人则更喜欢文科。但我从未遇到过一个学生,他/她很讨厌理工科,但选择了工程学专业。我认为不喜欢工程专业是一个伪命题。 大多数人都不可能成为一个专业的运动员,但是很多人都能够享受体育运动带来的乐趣;同样,虽然没有人能成为物理学家,化学家,计算机科学家等等,但他们可以享受在这些学科中探索的乐趣且学有所成。
