

The Australian state of Tasmania is about 300 kilometres (186 miles) north-northeast of Melbourne and 240 kilometres (150 miles) south-southeast of Perth. It is the smallest inhabited mainland state, with a total land area of only 68,000 square km (26,300 sq mi). Its name derives from the Dutch word for “Island of Desolation” or “Desolate Island”.

Until the European discovery in 1642, it was thought to be an island because of its appearance on maps. In reality, it is connected to the mainland by the narrow Bass Strait. The oldest part of Australia’s mainland population, Aboriginal Australians have inhabited what is now Tasmania since approximately 40,000 BC. They are believed to have arrived via the land bridge forming what is now the northern tip of Western Australiato the continent's south coast. Subsequently, they migrated throughout the island. European settlement began with Abel Janszoon Tasman’s arrival in Tasmangia in 1642, with the first colonists arriving under Captain Arthur Phillip in 1788 as part of an effort to establish a penal colony.

In the early years there were numerous incidents involving indigenous groups, including the infamous Black Line which was established in 1830 to eradicate the indigenous peoples who remained hostile toward settlers. This line consisted of 500 mounted police officers, supported by hundreds more soldiers and civilians. In addition, there existed several separate missions whose combined populations accounted for around one quarter of the total settlers in the colony at this time. These missions were located near present day Launceston, Hobart and Burnie, but their existence later became forgotten due to the establishment of the penal colony at Port Arthur in 1833.

This new settlement was used primarily to house convicts, although free immigrants did settle here too, establishing farms and small communities that would eventually grow into towns such as Hobart, Launceston, Devonport等. Although many convict ships reached the colony during this period, transportation ended in



澳洲留学对于大学生来说不是一件容易的事情,要想到澳洲留学,除了需要花费几十万的留学费用和尽可能的取得高分雅思成绩外,也要对澳洲的风土人情,生活习惯有一定的了解。塔斯马尼亚地处南半球,因此与 北京在季节上是完全相反的。它气候湿润,年平均温差不大,北部为11-17度,南部为9-15度。冬季温度不低于1度,夏季一般不超过30度。北部地区的降雨量大致分布平均。而南部地区雨量主要集中在冬季。 塔斯马尼亚州是澳大利亚环境最清洁的地区之一,空气清爽,景色宜人。那里没有威胁人类的野生动物。澳大利亚本土的有袋类动物在这里随处可见,例如:袋鼠、袋熊、袋狸、沙袋鼠、岩袋鼠、负鼠、针鼹和笑翠鸟等。 该州的首府霍巴特是澳大利亚第二古老的州市和最南端的城市,1996年人口为125,200,加上卫星城镇的人口,霍巴特的人口总数约为20万人。塔斯马尼亚州的另一主要城市朗塞斯顿位于塔州西北部的山河之间,1996年人口为100,300,加上卫星城镇的人口总数为15万人。
