

1.你的情况,如果申请美国大学,属于国际学生(international student)的范畴了; 如果申请社区学院,还是属于非移民身份; 如果是申请美国高中(包括寄宿高中和私立走读中学),也是属于非移民身份。 请按照你目前的情况填写职业那一栏! 2.关于美国的签证类型,其实大致就是三大类:

非移民签证 Nonimmigrant visa : 顾名思义,就是不改变你在美国的法律地位的非移民状态; 非移民签证又分为很多种:

F-1 and M-1 visa for academic and vocational students, J-1 Visa for exchange visitors (visitors coming to the U.S. for a short period of time to study, teach or assist in an internationally sponsored program), H-1B, L-1, O-1, P-1, Q-1 visas for professionals from other countries, TN status for Canadian and Mexicans working as professionals等等。 移民签证 Immigrant Visa: 这是改变你在美国身份的合法途径之一, 有两种:

EB-5 for foreign nationals who invest $500K into a commercial enterprise that creates at least 10 full-time jobs with a minimum investment of $400,000 for targeted employment areas, EB-2 and EB-3 for those whose professional occupations require "specialized knowledge" or are "professionals," etc.

Diversity Visa Program: this is also called the Green Card Lottery, since it results in receiving green cards, not permanent residency. The Diversity Visa program brings 50,000 immigrants every year to the United States through a lottery system where all people around the world have equal chance of winning provided they were born in an eligible country which has never sent more than 5,000 immigrant visa applicants during the previous five years to the US. This includes China, India等亚洲国家以及非洲地区。


DS-160表格确认页,申请人照片, 有效护照,SEVIS费收据, I-20表, 在赴美旅行前签发的有效的美国签证。 DS-160: URL:URL SEVIS fee: URL I-20 form: http://iapssvc.megaforms.com/?formID=9789944&r=tgqXjHhQVuWZvkdFfJGcCwwRz_PnwLxa9YbEoNy8AQA 4.现在大多数人都已经可以网上申请签证了,请根据您的实际情况来进行操作吧!


我觉得题主的问题应该先弄清楚。你的护照上的职业栏到底是写的“无”还是“未工作”的字样呢(这俩字差别巨大)? 如果是前者的话那说明你是无业或者失业的人(比如学生、退休人士……之类的人群)。

至于在填写DS160的时候,是否选择职业栏是取决于你是否有工作/收入(有工作的需要提供在职证明和收入证明——一般公司都有这种文件的模板,按照表格填写即可;没有工作的则需要学校或学院开一份在读证明)。 个人认为你应该是在填写DS160时选择了职业选项这一项吧~那么在你申请签证的过程中,使馆收到的就是你在DS160中选择的职业信息了~ 所以我建议你仔细核对一下自己的申请表和DS160的信息是不是一致哈!
